Herbs in Latin
Scientific Name Index A
Joe Hing Kwok Chu
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/ Chemical Name |
Pinyin |
Chinese |
Uses. (please click on the
links the herbs ) |
theophrasti Medic. |
qiong ma zi, meng ma zi |
莔 麻 子 |
theophrasti Medic. |
qing ma zi |
Abrus precatorius, L. |
xiang si zi |
香 思 子 |
Acanthopanax sessiliflorus, Se |
wu jia pi |
五 加 皮 |
senticosus |
ci wu jia |
刺 五 加
Acanthopanax spinosum, Mig |
wu jia pi |
五 加 皮 |
catechu (L.) Willd. |
hai er cha |
孩兒茶 |
Achilea millefolium,
L. |
shi cao |
蓍 草 |
consumption, toothache,
colic, common cold, sore throat from cold, Crohn's disease,
indigestion and hearthburn, painful menstruation, premenstrual
syndrome, ulcerative colitis |
Achyranthes bidentata Bl. |
niu xi |
牛膝 |
Aconitum anthora, L. |
xue shang yi zhi |
血 上 一 枝 蒿
Aconitum autumnale, Lindl
wu tou
Aconitum carmichaeli
Debx. |
fu zi |
附 子 |
Aconitum cheninse |
wu tou |
烏 頭
Aconitum variegatum |
wu tou |
烏 頭
Aconitum mandschuricum﹐Nakai |
wu tou |
烏 頭
Aconitum Fischeri Reich |
wu tou fu zi |
烏 頭 ; 附 子
Aconitum lycoctonum, L |
niu bian |
牛 扁 |
Acorus calamus var. angustatus
chang pu |
菖蒲 |
Acorus gramineus, Soland |
shi chang pu |
石 菖 蒲 |
Adenophora verticillata, Fisch |
sha shen |
沙 參
hippocastanum |
qi ye shu |
七 葉 樹 |
external application for ulcers,
Fruit : rheumatism
, neuralgia,
and for haemorrhoids. |
Agastache rugosa (Fisch.et Mey.) O. Ktze |
huo xiang |
藿香 |
Agrimonia eupatoria, L. var. |
xian he cao |
仙 鶴 草 |
Agropyrum repens
P. Beauv |
ou mao gen |
歐 茅 根
altissima (Mill.) Swingle
chun pi
椿皮 |
Akebia guinata, D. C. |
mu tong |
木 通
Akebia lobata, Dene |
mu tong |
木 通
Albizzia julibrissin, Durazz |
he huan pi |
合 歡 皮
Alisma orientale (Sam.)Juzep. |
ze xie |
澤 瀉
Alisma plantago L. var. viglomum, Torr |
ze xie |
澤 瀉
Allium officinarum Hance. |
da suan |
大 蒜 |
Allium sativum
Linn. |
da suan |
大 蒜 |
caliginosa (Savigny) trapezoides (Ant. Duges) |
di long |
地龍 |
Aloe vera L. |
lu hui |
薈 |
clears heat,
kills parasite, for chronic constipation |
Alpinia officiarum Hance |
gao liang jiang |
高莨姜 |
Amomum cardamum, L. |
bai dou kou |
白 荳 蔻 |
Amomum medium, Lour. |
cao guo |
草 果
Amomum tsao-ko
Crevost et Lem.
cao_guo |
草 果
Amomum xanthioides, Wallich
sha ren |
砂仁 |
as diuretics, diuretics, getting rid of puss, making mentrual periods easier. |
Bnge |
zhi mu |
heat relieving |
(Burm. f.) Neees |
chuan xin lian |
穿心蓮 |
bacterial or viral infection: diarrhea, flu with fever, sore throat |
Anemone chinensis, Benze |
bai tou weng |
白 頭 蓊 |
Anenthum graveolens L.
shi luo |
蒔 蘿 |
Angelica anomala |
bai zhi |
白 芷
stimulating cns and relieving pain, headache, flu, dizziness, tooth ache, facial nerves |
Angelica glabra, Makino |
bai zhi |
白 芷
stimulating cns and relieving pain, headache, flu, dizziness, tooth ache, facial nerves |
Angelica grosserrata, Max |
du huo |
獨 活 |
Angelica sinensis
dang gui |
當 歸
Anisum setellatum |
ba jiao hui xiang |
八 角 茴 香
Roxb. |
chen xiang |
沉 香
Arctium lappa, L |
niu bang zi |
牛 蒡 子
Arctium majus, Schk. |
niu bang zi |
牛 蒡 子
Ardisia Japonica , (Hornst)
Bl |
ai di cha |
Areca caechu, L. |
bin lang |
檳 榔 |
Artemisia anomala S. Moore
liu ji nu |
劉寄奴 |
Roxb. |
chen xiang |
沉 香
Arisaemi japonicum, Blume |
tian nan xing |
天 南 星 |
Aristolochia cinnabarina CY Cheng et JL.Wu |
zhu sha lian |
硃砂蓮 |
Aristolochia contorta, Bunge |
ma dou ling |
馬 兜 鈴
for wheezing cough due
to lung deficiency, bleed of hemorrhoids. |
Aristolochia debilis, Sieb. et Zuce |
ma dou ling |
馬 兜 鈴
for wheezing cough due
to lung deficiency, bleed of hemorrhoids. |
Aristolochia fangchi,
Wu |
fang ji |
防 己
reduce pain and edema with yellowish, greasy tongue coating and
wheezing. |
Aristolochia kaempferi, Willd. |
ma dou ling |
馬 兜 鈴
for wheezing cough due
to lung deficiency, bleed of hemorrhoids. |
Aristolochia mollissima Hance
xun gu feng, mian mao ma dou ling |
噚骨風,綿毛馬兜鈴 |
Artemisia vulgaris, L. var. Indica, Maxim |
ai ye |
艾 葉
Artemisia absithium, L. |
ku ai |
苦 艾 |
Artemisia apiacea, Hance |
qing hao |
青 蒿 |
Artemisia capillaris, Thunb |
yin chen hao |
茵 陳
蒿 |
Artemisia cina Berg. |
hui hao |
蛔蒿 |
Arteannuin (qinghaosu) |
qing hao su |
青 蒿 素 |
Asarum sieboldi, Mig |
xi xin |
細 辛 |
Asparagus lucidus, Lindl |
tian men dong |
天 門 冬 |
Aster tataricus, L. f. |
zi yuan |
紫 苑 |
Astragalus complanatus R. Br. |
sha yuan zi |
沙苑子,沙苑蒺藜, 潼蒺藜, 鹽沙苑子
Astragalus Henryi,
Oliv. |
huang qi |
黃 耆
Astragalus hoantchy
Franch. |
huang qi |
黃 耆
Astragalus membranaceus.Fisch. |
huang qi |
黃 耆
Astragalus mongholicus,
Bunge |
nei meng huang qi |
內蒙黃耆 |
Actinidia valvata
Dunn |
nie ge mi hou tao |
鑷閤獼猴桃 |
Actinidia valvata
mao ren shen |
貓人參(鑷閤獼猴桃的根) |
Atractylodes japonica, Koidzumi |
cang zhu |
蒼 朮 |
Atractylodes macrocephala,
Koidz. |
bai zhu |
白 朮 |
Atractylodes ovata, Thunb |
bai zhu |
白 朮 |
Aucklandia costus, Falk |
mu xiang |
木 香 |
Aucklandia lappa, Dene |
mu xiang |
木 香
Auricularia auricula
Ex Hook) Underw |
hei mu er |
黑木耳 |
Azadirachta indica |
yin du ku lian |
印 度 苦 楝 |
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reference of Chinese and Latin names of herbs.
Detail links on usages and properties of herbs will also
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