Chemical ingredients: |
Volatile oils: alpha -phellandrene, camphenbe, alpha-cedrene,
transcarveol, bornyl acetate, elemol, isoborneol, alpha-terpineol, beta-caryophyllene,
carvone[1], cadinene, thujylalcohol[2].
alpha-amyrin, beta-amyrin, friedelin, 9beta,methoxy-9beta, 10
cylolanost -23 (E)-en25, 26-diol[3]
Terpenes of 1.5:
matricarin, hanphyllin[4], 11,13-dihydroalteglasin A[5]
flavone alcohol, eupatilin, beta-sitostero[6],
silicon and non-organic elements.
Samples of formulae: |
For heavy mensus or bleeding during pregnancy:
combine with dang gui , bai shao, di huang 3 qian each, chuan xiong 1 qian.
Boil with water. Taken orally.
For vomiting blood, nose bleeding, blood in stool, bleeding in
hemorrhoids: combine with sheng di huang, ze bo ye 3 qiang each, he
ye 2 qian. Boil with water. Taken orally.
For chronic diarrhea: combine with sheng jiang chen pi, boiled into
thick extract. Taken orally while warm.
Use as fuel in moxibustion.
Boiled with water to be used as bath water. |