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ai ye

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

Pharmaceutical name: Folium artemisiae argyi 
Latin botanical name: Artemisia argyi Vant.

Artemisia vulgaris 

Artemisia lavandulaefolia DC.

Pron. in Japanese:  gaiyo
Pron. in Korean:  aeyop
Pron. in Cantonese:  ngai yip
Common Name:  mugwort leaf
Distribution:  throughout China, especially in Anhui, Shandong Hubei and Hebei provinces and in most parts of south east Asia.
Properties (characteristics)  bitter, acrid, warm
Channels (meridians) entered:  spleen, liver, kidney
Actions & Indications: warms the womb and stops bleeding, pacify the fetus, for infertility due to cold womb, improve blood forming.

As material for moxibustion.

Chemical ingredients: Volatile oils:

alpha -phellandrene, camphenbe, alpha-cedrene, transcarveol, bornyl acetate, elemol, isoborneol, alpha-terpineol, beta-caryophyllene, carvone[1], cadinene, thujylalcohol[2].


alpha-amyrin, beta-amyrin, friedelin, 9beta,methoxy-9beta, 10 cylolanost -23 (E)-en25, 26-diol[3]

Terpenes of 1.5:

matricarin, hanphyllin[4], 11,13-dihydroalteglasin A[5]


flavone alcohol, eupatilin, beta-sitostero[6], silicon and non-organic elements.

Dosage: 1 ~ 3 qian. Qian = 3.75 grams (traditional) or appr. 4 to 11 grams.
Samples of formulae: For heavy mensus or bleeding during pregnancy: combine with dang gui , bai shao, di huang 3 qian each, chuan xiong 1 qian. Boil with water. Taken orally.

For vomiting blood, nose bleeding, blood in stool, bleeding in hemorrhoids: combine with sheng di huang, ze bo ye 3 qiang each, he ye 2 qian. Boil with water. Taken orally.

For chronic diarrhea: combine with sheng jiang chen pi, boiled into thick extract. Taken orally while warm.

Use as fuel in moxibustion. 

Boiled with water to be used as bath water.

Modern Usage: 1. chronic hepatitis

2.  chronic bronchitis

3. asthma

4. irregular menses

5. habitual miscarriage

6. painful menses

7. sinus inflammation

8. itchy testical area

9. stubborn type of hiccups

Cautions and toxicty: use caution in case of yin deficiency or heat in blood.  The effective ingredient is the volatile oil and it is the toxic ingredient which can cause inflammation of the skin mucus. Taken orally can cause irritation of the of the digestive tract. After absolving, it can arrive at the liver and can obstruct the metabolism of the liver and can cause jaundice type of hepatitis. Its effect toward the central nervous system is prominent. In toxic reaction, the central nervous system becomes over active and can induce seizure. Because of the changes of the reflex of the nerves, it can damage the walls of  blood vessels and causes hyperemia (increase of blood flow to the part of body) of the uterus and causes bleeding. Toxic range 20 ~ 30 g if taken orally. [12]


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