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bai zhu (yu zhu, dong zhu)  白朮

cang zhu 蒼朮

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

Present Day Applications:

to be loaded
Pharmaceutical name: Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Latin botanical name: Atratylodes macrocephala Koidz
Pron. in Japanese: byakujutsu
Pron. in Korean:  paekch'ul
Pron. in Cantonese: pak shoot
Common Name: Bighead atractylodes rhizome
Properties (characteristics) aromatic, slightly acrid, non toxic and sweet.  It is a little sticky when chewed.

 甘, 略甜﹐溫。無毒。嚼之略黏。

Channels (meridians) entered: Related to spleen and stomach channels. 入脾﹐胃經。
Actions & Indications:
  • 1. for hardening of liver, liver cancer. In case of yinxu, use raw bai zhu plus other herbs according  to diagnostics. (1)

  • 2. children drooling  (2)

  • 3. Meniere's disease (3)

  • 4. constipation (4)

  • 5. chronic back pain (5)

  • 6.  acute infection of intestine (6)

  • 7.  low white cell count (8)

Medical Functions: 

Medical Functions: 

1. Digestive System 

(1) Protects Liver: Extraction of bai zhu  (by boiling with water) was given to lab mice that had liver damage caused by carbon chloride. It lessened the necrosis and mutation of liver cells, and improved the new growth of the liver cells. It lowered the glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) that was increased

   (2) Improves gall secretion

   (3) Prevents ulcer of stomach

   (4) Improves movements of intestines and bowels

2.  Diuretics

3.   Improves immune system

4.  Anti Cancer

    Laboratory tests showed that neutral oil of the vaporizing oil  bai zhu could inhibit esophagus  cancer cells. 10mg/ml/hour could detach all the cancer cells. 5mg/ml/hour could detach most of the cancer cells and damaged the remaining cells. The nucleus became hazy and the cells became empty bubbles.

5.  Affects heart and blood vessels

6.  Lowers blood sugar

7.  Anti coagulation of blood 

8.   Anti bacteria

Chemical ingredients: Contains about 1.4% of  vaporizing oil, atractylol, atractylon, selina-4 (15) -7 (11) -dien-8-one, attractylenolide,  8-b-ethoxy atractylenolide III, vitamin A.



5 to 15 g.

5 - 15 克 。

Samples of formulae:

Sample of formulae:

  1. Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang, 半夏白朮天麻湯

  2. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang, 補中益氣湯

  3. Gui Pi Tang, 歸脾湯

  4. Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Tang, 藿香正氣湯

  5. Li Zhong Wan, 理中丸

  6. Si Jun Zi Tang, 四君子湯

  7. Shi Quan Da Bu Tang, 十全大補湯

  8. Wu Ling San,

  9. Xiao Yao Wan, 逍遙丸

  10. Yu Ping Feng San, 玉屏風散

  11. Zhen Wu Tang 真武湯

  12. zhi dai fang 止帶方 (yeast infection formula)

Modern Research: Gastro-intestinal mobility



use caution in  cases of yinxu (yin deficient)




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Note: cang zhu is being used often in ridding of fungal and bacterial infections.

Burning smoke of cang zhu is being used in space sterilizing of fungi in dwellings.


Experimental Study for Effects of Some Chinese Herbals on
Gastrointestinal Motility

ZHU Jinzhao LENG En-ren GUI Xian-yong   CHEN Dong-feng.
(Department of Digestion,Daping Hospital and Institute of Surgery Research,
The Third Military Medical University,Chongqing 400042)

  Abstract:Objective:To study the effects of 10 chinese herbals on gastrointestinal motility.Methods:The effects of each chinese herbal on gastric emptying and intestinal propulsion of rats were investigated in vivo by measuring intro-gastric remainder rate and propulsive proportion of small intestine of dextran blue 2000.Results:The gastric emptying or intestinal propulsion was enhanced by these chinese herbals (P<0.05 or 0.01),of these,both gastric emptying and intestinal propulsion in atractylodes macrocephala group were very marked higher than that of control (P<0.01).Conclusion:10 chinese herbals have gastrointestinal motility promoting action,the best one is atractylodes macrocephala.
  Key words:Gastric emptying,Intestinal propulsion, Gastrointestinal motility, Atractylodes macrocephala,Agastache rugosa,Rats

For complete article click here.

Last update: Nov 2, 2003; 11:00 a.m. LA

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