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bu gu zhi    補骨脂

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

Present Applications:

1. enuresis: bu gu zhi. yi zhi ren 60 g of each. Stir fry with salt. Grind into fine powder and make into 6 packages. Add one bag to rice porridge. Take 1 in the morning. (double the dosage for adults). Six days is therapy cycle.

Result: 60 patients, age 2 to 60 years old. All healed. Monitored for 5 years. No relapse.[1]

2. leukoderma of the vagina: apply bu gu zhi extract (paste) every other day on affected areas. Result: 53 patients. Healed: 50. Improved: 3. Seven patients developed dermatitis due to allergenic reaction of the herb.[2]

3. bronchial asthma

4. bleeding of the uterus

5. low white cell count


7. flat warts

8. normal warts

9. leukoderma and bald spot

10 eczema

11. impotence, irregular menses, fungus infection of nails


Pharmaceutical name: Fructus Psoraleae
Latin botanical name: Psoralea corylifolia L.
Japanese Pronunciation:  hokotsushi
Korean Pronunciation:  pogolchi
Cantonese Pronunciation: po koo tsi, bo kuat chee
Common Name: psoralea fruit

Other Prescription Names:


po gu zi, gu zi, po gu zi, hei gu zi


Distribution:  Throughout  China, mainly the northeast, northwest, and southwest regions.
Properties (characteristics)﹕


 acrid, bitter, pungent, very warm


Channels (meridians) entered: kidney, spleen
Actions & Indications:


Impotence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation due to shenyangxu condition; frequent urination, uncontrollable urination, early morning diarrhea due to shenyangxu condition; irregular menses, cold feeling in the uterus, habitual miscarriage due to shenyangxu (kidney yang deficient); leukorrhea, geriatric asthma due to shenyangxu condition; low white cell count; for leukoderma (vitiligo)﹐corn, flat warts (verrucae planae)

 腎陽不足之陽萎,遺精,早泄腎陽虛纏綿腰痛,小便頻數,遺尿,五更腎虛寒泄,月經不調,子宮冷感,腎虛滑胎﹐白帶老年腎虛氣喘白血球減少類風濕性關節炎, 製成20~30%酊劑,外塗治雞眼,扁平疣, 及白癜風有效。

Daily Dosage:


 10 to 20 g per day.  Freeze-dried extract: 0.5 to 2 g per day. Adjust dosage according to syndromes and body conditions.


Medical Functions: Medical Functions:
  1. Effects on the circulatory system: Expands the coronary arteries. (4 times as strong as the drug Khellin);

  2. Light-sensitive effect.

  3. Anti-tumors.

  4. Estrogen-type of effect. Anti-early pregnancy.

  5. Antibiotic effect.

  6. Anti-aging.

  7. Improves effects of white cells. Corrects the low level of adrenocortical hormone and increases the white blood cell count.

  8. Stops bleeding. Shortens bleeding of menses, uterus, nose and gums.

  9. Kills parasites.

  10. Relaxes the smooth muscles: uterus, bronchi.

  11. Helps to prevent rejection of skin grafts (in rabbits).

  12. Anti-rheumatoid-arthritis (類風濕性關節炎)

Chemical Ingredients: Chemical Ingredients:

1. (1) (psoralen), (isopsoralen)[1], (corylidin)[2,3], (psoralidin), (isopsoralidin)[3], Bakuchicin[4].

(2) Bavacoumestan A, Bavacoumestan B, Sophoracoumestan A[5].

2.(1) (bavachalcone), (corylifolinin, isobavachalcone,)[6], (bavachromene)[7], (bavachromanol)[8], (neobavachalcone)[9], (isoneobavachalcone)[10].

(2) (bavachin, coryfolin)[11, 6], (bavachinin), (isobavachin)[6].

(3) (corylin)[12], (neobavaisoflavone)[7], (corylinal)[13], Psoralenol[8].

3. (bakuchiol)[14-16].

4.(octadecenoic acid), (tetradecanoic acid) (octadecanoic acid), (docosanic acid), (octadecatrienoic acid).

5. (stigmasterol)[4,7], (daucosterol), (triacontane)[2].

Modern Research: Toxicity: large dosages have caused atrophy of the liver, testes of mice.


not to use in case of high heat due to yinxu condition. Some traditional sources mention that it antagonizes gan cao.

There was a report that mentioned injection of bu gu zhi solution had cause shock reaction.

Large dosage given to guinea pigs and rats had some teratogenic effect (causing malformations of an embryo or fetus).

Large dosage may be toxic to kidneys.


Khellin: a crystalline compound C14H12O5 obtained from the fruit of a Middle Eastern plant (Ammi visnaga) of the family Umbelliferae.  It is a vasodilator that also has bronchodilatory action. It is being used for the treatment of angina pectoris,  asthma, and in conjunction with ultraviolet light a, has been tried in the treatment of vitiligo.

Pharmacological action: bronchodilator agents, vasodilator agents.

Chemical name: 5H-Furo(3,2-g)(1)benzopyran-5-one, 4,9-dimethoxy-7-methyl-


a manuscript, writing and translating in progress......




方劑1名稱: 補腎祛寒治
組成: 補骨脂9-12克,熟地12-24克,川斷12-18克,淫羊藿9-12克,炙山甲6-9克,防風10克,制附片6-12克(用到15克時,需先煎10- 20分鐘),骨碎補10-20克,桂枝9-15克,赤白芍各9-12克,知母9-15克,羌獨活各10-12克,松節10克,地鱉虫6-10克,麻黃3- 6克,蒼術6-10克,威靈仙12克,伸筋草30克,牛膝9-15克,炙虎骨(或豹骨、熊骨)9-12克(另煎兌入)。若虎、豹、熊三骨均購不到,可用透骨草20克、尋骨風15克、自然銅(醋淬、先煎)6-9克,三藥同用,以代虎骨。
功能: 補腎祛寒、化濕疏風,活瘀通絡,強筋壯骨。
主治:  痹,腎虛寒盛証。其中包括現代醫學的類風濕關節炎、強直性脊柱炎、結核性關節炎、大骨節病等有肢體關節疼痛、變形、骨質損害的疾病。表現為關節喜暖怕冷,腰酸乏力,遇寒疼痛加重,舌苔薄白或白,脈沉尺弱者。
方解: 本方以《金匱要略》桂枝芍藥知母湯合《太平惠民和劑局方》虎骨散加減化裁而成。方中以川續斷、補骨脂補腎陽,壯筋骨;制附片壯腎陽,祛寒邪;熟地補腎填精,養肝益血共為主藥。以骨碎補活瘀祛骨風;淫羊藿補腎陽,祛腎風;虎骨祛風壯骨;桂枝、羌活、獨活、威靈仙搜散少陰、太陽經及肢體風寒濕邪;白芍養血榮筋,緩急舒攣共為輔藥。又以防風散風,麻黃散寒,配熟地可溫肌腠;蒼術化濕,赤芍活瘀壯筋骨,知母滋腎清熱,穿山甲通經散結,地鱉虫活瘀壯筋骨,伸筋草舒筋活絡,松節通利關節共為佐藥。其中赤芍、知母、地鱉虫兼具反佐之用,以防溫藥化熱。牛膝益腎并能引藥入腎為使藥。
加減運用: 上肢病重者,加片姜黃10克;瘀血明顯者,加紅花10克,乳香、沒藥各6克,皂刺6克;腰腿疼痛明顯者,可去松節、蒼術,加桑寄生30克、杜仲12克,并加重川斷、補骨脂用量,吃藥時再嚼胡桃肉(炙)1-2個;肢體僵屈者,可去蒼術、防風、松節,加生苡米30-40克,木瓜9-12克、茯苓12克、白僵蚕 9-12克;脊柱僵直,彎曲變形者,可去蒼術、牛膝,加金狗脊40克、鹿角膠9克(鹿角片、鹿角霜亦可)、白僵蚕12克,羌活改為12克;關節疼痛重者,可加重附片的用量,并且可再加草烏6-9克、七厘散(每次1克)隨湯藥沖服;舌苔白厚膩者,可去熟地,加砂仁5克、藿香10克;中運不健,脘脹納呆者,可加陳皮、焦麥芽、焦神曲各10克;出現熱象者,可減少桂附用量,加黃柏10-12克、秦艽15-20克,把熟地改為生熟地各15克,或生地20克。
注意事項: 1. 本方以治本為主,往往需服4-6周才出現療效,故需耐心堅持服用,不可僅服几劑即改方。
2. 服藥2-3個月(或更長),收到顯著效果后,可將此方2-3劑,研為細末,每次服3克,每日2-3次,溫開水送服,長期服用,以防复發而漸達痊愈。
經驗體會: 本方以經方桂枝芍藥知母湯合后世方虎骨散加減變化而成。因為本病的病因病机特點是腎虛,寒濕之邪深侵入腎(腎主骨,故骨質受損)所致,所以藥方的特點也是突出了補腎祛寒這一治本大法。方中雖然用了不少溫熱散寒、疏風化濕之品,但因有熟地、白芍、知母滋腎養血,而體現了前人“疏風勿燥血”的理論;配有知母、赤芍、地鱉虫性寒清熱,又體現出“祛寒勿助火”的治療思想。方中藥味雖多,正韓信用兵多而不亂,主輔佐使,作用分明,相須相使,配伍巧妙;以治本為主,兼顧其標,辨病辨証,整體治療。所以病人服藥后,不僅肢體關節腫消痛減,更重要的是全身气力增加,面色潤澤,活動能力增強,非一般祛風濕藥所可比擬。




  (五)小儿脱肛: 补骨脂100g,乌梅20g,五倍子20g,升麻10g,水煎后用药液熏洗肛门,连用1~2周,收效甚捷。




Impotence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation due to shenyangxu

Prescription: equal amount of bu gu zhi, tu si zi, jin yin zi, xia long gu. Bake to dry in low heat. Grind into fine powder. Take 10 g each time with lightly salted drinking water, twice a day.

Geriatric asthma due to shenyangxu

Prescription: bu gu zhi 12 g, dong chong xia cao 10 g. Add water. Make into decoction. Take twice a day, morning and evening.

Low white cell count:

Prescription: bake 500 grams of bu gu zhi. Grind into powder. Mix with 1000 gram of honey. Make into pills. Take 10 grams each time, with slightly salted water. Twice a day: morning and evening.

Flat warts ("verrucae planae")

Prescription: Make 20 ~30% of alcohol extract of bu gu zhi tincture. Apply externally












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Last update: Dec 10, 2003; 10:50 p.m. LA

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