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Asthma, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Therapy

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

In general, asthma has to be treated according the traditional diagnostics of zheng.

(1) When the condition is acute, the symptoms have to be controlled using formulae to cut down histamines, expand the bronchia, and stop the coughing and wheezing so the patients can breathe better.

The following are commonly used formulae according to the diagnostics:

  1. ding chuan tang

  2. xiao qing long tang (can be toxic because of the ingredient xi xin.)

  3. san zi yang qing tang 


(2) After the acute period has been controlled, the therapy should be geared toward correcting the functions of the body.

The following formulae can be selected according to the diagnostics:

  1.  shi quan da bu tang

  2.  bu zhong yi qi tang

  3.  you gui wan

  4.  gui pi tang

  5.  jin gui shen qi wan

  6.  bu gu zhi fang

  7. external application


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Last update: April 28,  2004; 9:00 a.m. LA

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