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tu fu ling 土茯苓

by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu


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Pharmaceutical name: Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae
Latin botanical name: Smilax glabra Roxb. also Smilax china. L
Pron. in Japanese: do bukuryo
Pron. in Korean: t'obongnyong
Pron. in Cantonese: to fook ling
Common Name: glabrous greebrier rhizome, smilax
Distribution: Yangtse River valley and all of the sourthern provinces of China. 


Other Chinese Names:

shan gui lai 山歸來, tu fu 土茯, di fu ling 地茯苓, shan yu liang  , ling fan tuan  , shan di shu  , cai yu yu liang 草禹餘, ci zhu 刺豬苓。


Properties (characteristics) sweet, bland, cool and non-toxic.味甘、淡,性涼無毒。
Channels (meridians) entered: stomach and kidney channels.入肝與胃經。
Actions & Indications:  For clearing heat, eliminates dampness, rid of toxin. Used in skin ulcer, joint pain due to dampness and heat, secondary problems in syphilis, rashes,turbid urine due to damp heat toxin, leptospirosis, acute dysentery, acute or chronic inflammation of kidneys, mercury toxin, psoriasis, and fungal infection.

有清熱解毒、除濕通絡的功能。用於濕熱瘡毒、濕疹、惡瘡潰瀾腫毒、梅毒、筋骨拘攣疼痛、屈伸不利、熱淋尿赤澀痛等。可用於鉤端螺旋體病、 急性下痢﹐急慢性腎炎、汞中毒、銀屑病,黴菌感染。

Medical Function:  

to be loaded

Chemical ingredients: Isoastilbin, 5, 7, 3', 5'-tetrahydroxyl-flavanonol-3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranoside
Dosage: for concoction: 15g to 30 g per day.

for external use: make into powder.


Samples of formulae: Interstitial cystitis ﹐ psoriasis


Modern applications:

chronic atrophic gastritis, thrombocytopebnic

purpura, phlebitis, gonnorhea, urinary tract

infections, non-infection type of urinary tract syndrome, painful menses, fibroids in the ovaries, skin disease of babies.





Cautions: Use caution  in cases of liver and kidney deficiency. Do not take with tea. 肝腎陰虧者慎服。服藥期間避免喝茶。

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