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zao jiao 皂角  ;   (zao jia 皂荚 )

zao jiao ci    皂角剌

by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

Pharmaceutical name:

Fructus Gleditsiae Sinensis (zao jia)

Spina Gleditsiae Sinensis (zao jiao ci)

Latin botanical name:

Gleditsia sinensis Lam.; Gleditsia horrida Willd.; Gleditsia macracantha Desf.;
Gleditsia officindis Hemsl.; Gleditsia triacanthos L.

Other Names:

zao jia: bian zao jiao, ping zao jiao

zao jiao ci: zao ci, tian ding, tian ding pian, zao jiao zhen, zao zhen, zao ci, ao ci pian.

(皂荚名: 扁皂角 皂角 平皂角 )

(皂角剌 別名: 皂剌天丁,天丁片,皂角針,皂針,皂刺,皂刺片)

Pron. in Japanese:

sokaku (zao jia)

Pron. in Korean:

chogak (zao jia)

Pron. in Cantonese:

cho kap (zao jia)

Common Name:

Chinese Honeylocust fruit, gleditsia


(1) City of Beijing, City of Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, City of Shanghai, Jiansu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Henan

(一)。 北京市、天津市、河北 、山西 、遼寧 、吉林 、黑龍江、上海市、江蘇 、浙江 、安徽 、福建 、江西 、山東 、 台灣 、河南 、湖北 、湖南 、廣東 、 廣西 、四川 、貴州 、雲南 、陝西 、 甘肅 、青海 )。

(2) Liaoning, Jiangsu, Shandong, Xinjiang (Gleditsia triacanthos L.)

(二)。 遼寧 、江蘇 、山東 、新疆  (Gleditsia triacanthos L.)。

Properties (characteristics)

acrid, warm, slightly toxic.


Channels (meridians) entered:

zao jiao: large instestine, lung

zao jiao ci: liver, stomach

Actions & Indications:

zao jia uses: 1. Dispels phlegm: coughs with abundance of phlegm. 2. Opens the orifices like in strokes or epilepsies or facial paralysis due to excessive of phlegm. 3. external use in boils in difficulty in discharge of puss.

1.用于頑痰阻肺,咳喘痰多之症。2.用于痰盛關竅阻 閉之証。3. 熬膏外敷可治瘡腫未潰者,有散结消腫之效

zao jiao ci uses: early stages of boils , difficulty in discharging of pus, eczema, and leprosy.

皂角剌 : 癰腫初起,膿成不潰,癰腫瘡毒,麻風,瘡癬。

Present Day Application:

For constipation or mild intestine obstruction, making into suppository with: zao jiao ci 12 g, xi xin 12 g, and mix with honey 120 g. Insert into anus while warm.[1]

治便秘和輕症 動力性腸梗阻,用皂角12克,细辛12克,研末,加蜂蜜120克調匀,趁热制成栓劑,每次1條,塞入肛門[1]。

Medical Function:

 to be loaded

Chemical ingredients:

to be loaded



Often used in powder form: 1 to 1.5 g daily. For decoction: 1.5 to 5 g.  Also for external use.

皂角: 多研末服,1~1.5g;亦可入湯劑,1.5~5g。外用適量。

zao jiao ci: 0.5 to 2 g / daily

皂角剌 :0.52.0克 。

Samples of formulae:

to be loaded

Modern Research:





Do not overdose. Large amount can induce vomiting and diarrhea. Do not to use during pregnancy or in cases of qixu (qi deficiency) or yinxu (yin deficiency), or hemoptysis


Imitated Products Identification Method:

(to be translated)



皂角刺係豆科植物皂角(Gleditsia sinensis Lam)的干燥棘刺。完整棘刺呈園锥形,有主刺及1~2分枝刺。主刺長3~15cm,或更長,直径0.3~1.2cm,分枝刺長1~6cm,螺旋形排列与主刺成60~80°夹角,由下向上逐漸细小,刺尖锐利。表面紫棕色或棕褐色。尖部多显深红色,有细纵纹。體輕质 堅硬,不易折斷,斷面或切斷面木部黄白色,髓部疏松,淡红棕色。無臭,味淡。

皂角刺過去的主要混偽品有鼠李科植物酸棗(Ziziphus jujuba Mill)、喜科植物槐樹(Sophora japonica L.)、蔷薇科植物多花蔷薇(Rosa multiflora Thunb.)、馬鞭草科植物刻葉黄荆(Vitex negundo L.varheterophylla(Franch)Rehd.)、鼠李科植物馬甲子(Paliurus ramosissimus Poir.)、和插田泡(Rubus coreanus)等一些带刺的枝條,但混入最多的是同科属的山皂角刺(G.melanacantha),近年新出偽品 為野皂角刺(G.heterophylla Bunge.),并且質量問題嚴重,如混入較多的枯枝茎、無刺枝茎,另外飲片切制規格不符的也不少。

(錄自﹕第四軍醫大學藥物研究所﹔中藥 正品 偽品 的鑒別方法


 [1] 取材自﹕中  国  保  健  科  技  学  会 


The expelling of blood or of blood-streaked sputum from the larynx, trachea, bronchi, or lungs.


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