Hypertension and arteriosclerosis: xia ku
cao 1000 g, boil and make extract, strain. Repeat 3 times. Mix the 3
batches of extract. Add some honey. Boil and reduce into paste. Store in
refrigerator. Take 1 spoon, twice a day with warm boiled water. This
therapy can maintain the blood pressure in normal range. Animal studies
showed that xia ku cao can slow down the formation arterial sclerosis,
lowered blood lipids, and had good result in treating cardiovascular
diseases. [1]
Acute tonsillitis: for acute infection: xia ku cao 30 ~ 60 g,
boil and make extract. Strain. Repeat 2 times. Mix the extract. Use it
in one day. Sip slowly so that the liquid can stay in the throat longer
to contact the affect area.
Amnesia: xia ku cao 15 g, ban xia 12 g. Make into decoction. One
dose a day for 10 day.
Whooping cough:
xia ku cao 15 g, san bai pi 10 g,
huang qin9 g,
di gu pi 9 g, pi pa ye 10 g, cha
di long 9 g, jiang can 10 g.
gan cao
3 g. Make into decoction. One dose a day.
Coughing blood due to TB of the lungs and bronchial dilation
Chronic headache:
xia ku cao, ge gen, make into decoction.
Please scroll down pass the Chinese writing to
read more .
Acute infectious kerato-conjunctivitis: use xia ku cao 15 g, ju hua 15 g, pu
gong ying 30 g. Make into decoction and use as tea.
肝火旺而引起的目赤腫痛 (急性結膜炎、流行性角膜炎) 用夏枯草五錢、菊花五錢、蒲公英一兩,水煎服
Modern Research:
use caution in cases of weak digestion. Long term usage can cause irritation
for the stomach. If long term usage is necessary, add dang shen and bai zhu
to the formulae being used.
A form of tuberculosis affecting the lymph nodes, especially of the
neck, that is most common in children and is usually spread by
unpasteurized milk from infected cows. Also called struma. (Source:
American Heritage Dictionary)