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ma huang 麻 黃

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

ma huang


Present Day Applications:



Pharmaceutical name:


herba ephedrae

Latin botanical name:


1). ephedra sinica Stapf., (cao ma huang)

(2). ephedra equisetina Bunge, (mu zei ma huang)

(3). ephedra intermedia Schrenk et Mey. (zhong ma huang)


Pron. in Japanese:


ma o

Pron. in Korean:


ma hwang 

Pron. in Cantonese:


ma wong

Other Names:



Common Name:





It is mainly produced in Jilin, Liaoning,  Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan provinces of China.




acrid, slightly bitter and warm.

Channels (meridians) entered:


 lung and bladder 
Medical functions:

L-ephedrine can increase the contraction of heart muscle thus increases the cardiac output. L-ephedrine causes less arrhythmia than epinephrine but if there is physical diseases of the hearts or if the patients are using digitalis it can cause arrhythmia. L-ephedrine can cause systolic and diastolic pressure to go up.

L-ephedrine can cause the smooth muscle to relax.

Ma huang water extract (boiled in water) has antibiotic property.


Actions & Indications:


(1) For promoting sweating, and rid of cold due  to excessive exposure to chill and wind where pores become tight and unable to sweat and pulse shows floating and large if taken when the liquid of the herb tea is warm.

(2) For soothing of wheezing asthma.

(3) For promoting urination if taken when the liquid of the herb tea is cool.

(4) For treating cough and asthma of small children, external use.

(5) For controlling bed wetting

(6) For stopping nose bleeding

(7) For controlling diarrhea of small children

Chemical ingredients:


1. Saponins

  1. cao ma huang: its main saponin in  is l-ephedrine, about 40~90% of the total saponins. The second highest saponin is  pseudo-ephedrine, and contain small amount of L-N-methylephedrine, d-N-methyl-pseudoephedrine, d-nor-pseuddoephedrine, ephedine,  benzyl-methylamine [1], 3,4-dimethyl-5phyloxazolidine, 2,3,4-trimethyl-5-phenyloxazolidine[2], and the more effective part of ma huang for soothing asthma:  2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine[3].

  2. mu zie ma huang contains  1.15~1.75% of saponin and among the important ingredients are L-ephedrine and d-pseudo-ephedrine.

  3. zhong ma huang contains 1.5% of saponin, with the anti-inflammatory ingredient of ephedroxane.[4]


The above three varieties of ma huang contain about the same chemical ingredients.

mu zie ma huang contains the highest amount of saponin.

Cao ma huang contains lesser amount of saponin.

zhong ma huang contains the least amount of saponin. [1]

2. Vaporizing Ingredients

among the 38 kinds of ingredients from cao ma huang, some of them are:

  1.  2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine,

  2. 1-apha-terpineol,

  3. beta-terpineol,

  4. terpineol-4,

  5. --menth-2-en-7-ol,

  6. 1,3,4 -trimethyl-3-trimethyl-3-cyclohexene-1carboxaldehyde[3].

3. Flavon

4. Organic Acids

5. Other Ingredients


Normal Dosage:


2.5 g to 6 g. Large amount up to 15 g.

2.5 至6 克,大劑量亦有用15 克。

Samples of formulae


ma huang tang 麻黃湯

Modern Research:


l-ephedrine toxicity



Undesirable side effects:

Toxic reactions include headache, restless, imsomia, palpitation, tightness in chest area, tears and nose dripping, uncomfortable, fever, sweating nonstop, upper belly discomfort, dry mouth, neausea, vomitting, ringing in the ears, body temperature and blood pressure rising, it can cause heart rate to go up. Large dosage can suppress the heart and causes the heart to slow down. 

Not to use in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

Traditionally ma huang is not used in diet formulae nor as a recreation drug. Avoid prescribing ma huang if you do not have the experience and diagnostic skill especially in pulse reading. It can be  dangerous if used incorrectly.

 Do not use with Furanzolidone, (Furazolidonum,Furoxone).


麻黃具有興奮大腦皮層 的作用,如用量較大,輕者包括口乾﹐神經質﹐過度興奮而致失眠,焦慮、頭痛、視力模糊以及意識混亂 且易發汗,發汗過多易造成心悸,嚴重時腦出血、癲癇、精神官能症及心律不整﹐ 還可能導致休克。 因此,若體虛之人,表虛自汗、氣虛喘咳、脾虛水腫者不宜使用,高血壓者慎用。 劑量過大能抑制心臟﹐可導致心跳變慢。

不可與呋喃唑酮(痢特靈 ) 同用。


If taken orally, induce vomiting, and use laxative to decrease the absorption. If there is serious nervous reaction or spasm, chloral hydrate CCl3.CH(OH)can be used. Oxygen can also be used.



A manuscript... writing, translating and proofreading  in progress

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