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beng da wan, 崩 大 碗

lei gong gen, 雷公根 

by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu

Centella Asiatica L.

source of picture:

Fu Lin Elementary School, Taiwan

Please enable your browser to read  Traditional Chinese BIG5.

Pharmaceutical name: Herba Centella asiatica
Latin botanical name: Centella asiatica, L.
Other name: han ke cao   蚶殼草 , lei gong cao  雷公草,  lei gong teng 雷公藤(not to be confused with tripterygium wilfordii)  jixue cao 積雪草  , lao gong gen 老公草 , han ke cao  含殼草, di tang cao  地棠草 , tong qian cao 銅錢草 ,  na zi cao 吶子草, luo de da 落得打, ben ko wan 崩口碗﹐ beng da wan 崩大碗 .
Pron. in Cantonese: peng da won, huen hok cho
Common Name: Asiatic pennywort, tsubokusa,  Indian Pennywort, Gotu Kola
Distribution: tropical and sub-tropical areas: southern Africa, Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Southern part of mainland China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Properties (characteristics) cold, acrid, bitter
Channels (meridians) entered: bladder, spleen, stomach
Actions & Indications: reducing inflammation, reducing swelling, healing wounds, ridding of toxins, ridding of damp heat, fever, hypertension, leprosy, bladder infection, psoriasis, eczema, hypertension, laryngitis, diarrhea, injuries, varicose vein, venous ulcers, burns, phlebitis, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, edema, to promote urination, coughing in Children,  hemorrhoids,  balancing the nervous system and improving memory, improving eyesight. Ridding of itchiness of mosquito bites by applying externally. To neutralize toxin of tapioca. For strengthening circulation and blood vessels. It can inhibit the forming of collagen inside scar tissues.
Chemical ingredients: Asiaticoside, Madecassoside, vitamin K and Madasiatic acid
Dosage: 30 ~50 grams
Samples of formulae: For pimples﹕ beng da wan 38 g, mung bean 38 g, salt to taste. Add 3 liters of water. Simmer for 1 hour to make soup.  Do not use sugar.

崩大碗一兩、綠豆一兩,加 少許食 鹽調味煲湯(不 可 用糖)。

Warning do not use during pregnancy or during breast feeding. Consuming large amount causes nausea and dizziness.

Last update: Sept 20, 2003

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