by: Joe
Hing Kwok Chu
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Other names: po bu zi, shuai bu zi, po bu ye, lan bu zha, bu bao mu,
po bu shu, xiang bo ye
Botanical Name: Microcos
paniculata (Microcos)
Characteristics: Mildly sour,
Usage: For colds, heat stroke,
indigestion, dyspepsia, diarrhea, hepatitis.
Dosage: 15 - 3 0 g, in decoction
Sample formula:
For skin rash, boils, urinary tract
infection, enteritis, and urination difficulty.
mu mian hua 40 g, bu zha ye 20 g, sang
ye 15 g, gan cao 12 g. Add 1600 cc of
water and simmer down to 400 cc. Use as tea when cool.

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