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mao gen

bai mao gen

By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu


Pharmaceutical name: Rhizonma imperatae cylindricae
Latin botanical name: Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv.var. major (Nees) c. E. Hubb.
Pron. in Japanese: bokon
Pron. in Korean: mogun, pakmogun
Pron. in Cantonese: mao kan, pak mao kan
Common Name: imperata, rhizome of wooly grass
Distribution: throughout china and Southeast Asia
Properties (characteristics) sweet, cold
Channels (meridians) entered: lung, stomach, small intestine, bladder
Actions & Indications: cools the blood and stops bleeding; quells heat and promotes urination, clears heat from stomach and lungs
Medical Function: (1). stops bleeding (2). anti bacteria and anti virus. (3). promotes urination, especially during 5~10 days while taking the herb. It can be due to the potassium salt in the herb.
Chemical ingredients: glucose 6.8%; cane sugar, fructose, and starch 21%, potassium salt, oxalic acid, carotene, vitamins, and anemonin.
Dosage: 9 to 24 g. Using by itself, up to 60 g.
Samples of formulae: For hemorrhagic fever: (1). bai mao gen, da huang mang xiao, zhi shi, tao ren, sheng di huang, mai dong mu tong. 

(2). bai mao gen 150 g, dan shen 20 g, lu gen 30 g, huang bai 10 g, pei lan 15 g, dan pi 10 g. Adjust the formula according to the syndrom.

For peridonitis: click here for formula.

Modern Research: to be uploaded
Cautions: not to use in case of spleen deficiency






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